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Weekly Intercessory Prayer

Join us in seeking God's transformative power for the body of Christ and the world.

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Service Description

Join our team at Fishers of Men I.C.M. as we fervently pray for our community, city, government, and nation. Our dedicated team accepts prayer requests from church members and anyone in need of spiritual support. Through intercessory prayer, we have seen God's faithfulness in answering the needs of the body of Christ and beyond. Experience the power of answered prayers for healing, deliverance, and salvation as we come together in faith. Visit Fishers of Men I.C.M. to join us in prayer and witness the miracles God performs in response to our supplications. Saturday @ 6PM Call in Number (425)436-6280 ACCESS CODE:893116 Text All Prayer Request to 224-430-7955 Ephesians 6:18 "Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere".

Contact Details

  • 500 Terry Francine Street, 6th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94158


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